The COMPLETE Kipping Ring Muscle Up Seminar
For our Kipping Ring Muscle Up Program Click Here:…
00:00 Intro
01:03 The Science of the Swing
03:08 Intro to Dynamic Series
03:44 High Hip Face Pull
04:59 Dynamic Face Pull
05:51 Dynamic Transition
07:07 Box Face Pull to Transition
08:07 Intro to Rocking Series
08:34 Floor Hip Drill
09:41 Floor + Ring Hip Drill
11:08 Side Note and Demo
12:20 90 to Face Pull
13:01 90 to Transition
13:42 Intro to Rocking
14:28 Rock to Transition
15:05 Rocking Banded Backpack
16:45 Swing to Box Intro
17:32 Swing to Box Series
22:14 WINS!