Let's Learn About the Letter c by Jack Hartmann focuses on the lowercase letter c. Learn how to write the lowercase c. Learn the sound the letter c makes and learn a word that starts with the letter c in this letter c song for kids. The letter formation in this series follows Dr. Jan Richardson's handwriting directions for each letter.
Let's Learn About the the Letter c lyrics
Let's learn
Let's learn
Let's learn about the letters
Let's learn
Let's learn
About the letter c
Let's learn what c looks like
Let's learn what sound it makes
Then we'll write the letter c lowercase
And let's learn a word with c
You can see and say
This is an uppercase c
Around like a c
Around like a c
Now you write an lowercase c all on your own
Around like a c
Around like a c
Look and listen
And at the end say the letter sound and the word
Letter c says /c/ /c/ cat
c says /c/ /c/ cat
c says /c/ /c/ cat
Let's learn
Let's learn
Let's learn about the letters
Let's learn
Let's learn
About the letter C
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Words and Music by Jack Hartmann
Copyright 2021
Jack Hartmann's Hop 2 It Music