www.InternetPsychicReadings.com/ presents Scorpio Tarot Cards and Astrology Stars horoscope prediction for 2021. Here is an outline of the critical dates described in this video. 2021 will a very different year. January - Jupiter separates from Saturn. Mars square Saturn 1/13. Uranus turns direct on January 14. Mars conjuncts Uranus, Squares Jupiter and Jupiter squares Uranus the week of the 17 th. Mercury turns retrograde on January 30 and stays until February 21. February 2021 - Saturn square Uranus on 2/18/2021. In March 2021Venus moves into Aries on 3/21 love can be exciting but challenging.
April 2021 - Mars squares Neptune April 9. Mercury and Venus conjunct Uranus April 23 - 25th. May 2021 Jupiter enters Pisces the first time in 12 years. Mercury and Saturn go retrograde in the last week of May. June 2021 - Mars opposes Pluto on June 6. Mercury goes direct 6/22 in Gemini. On 6/20 Jupiter and on 6/25 Neptune both go retrograde in Pisces.
July 2021 - the month begins with a powerful Mars Uranus Square. Jupiter and Saturn are both retrograde all month. Venus and Mars are together in Leo all month. They both square Uranus. August - Venus, and Mars are still moving in tandem but now in Virgo. Uranus goes retrograde on the 19th in Taurus. September - Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto are all retrograde they are joined by Mercury retrograde on the 27th.
October 2021 - Pluto Saturn Jupiter and Mercury all turn direct. Be especially aware on October 18 when both Mercury and Jupiter go direct. November - Mars squares Saturn. December - Neptune goes direct on the second and sextiles Venus. Venus will go retrograde on the 19th right after conjunction with Pluto. Jupiter goes into Pisces on the 30th.
You can find Free Tarot Card and Astrology Stars predictions at ProfessorAstrology.com