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B3 Exact Sight. I can’t afford a partnership with B3. #B3 #hoytarchery #mathewsarchery

I was wanting to reach out and ask B3 if they would like to sponsor one or two of our bow hunting 101 series of videos and or partnership with us, as it ends up, I can not afford to work with a company that makes bow sights this good, I am trying to sight in my bow with the new Exact B3 Sight and then this happens.
#robin #robinhood #archeryhunting #archerylifestyle #archerygame #archerymaster #archerytips
#mathewsarchery #mathewsbows #mathewsinc #hoytarchery #hoyttargetarchery #hoytbowhunting #elitearchery #psebows #psebows #dialedarchery #primearchery #prime #archerysupplies #archeryhunting #bowhunting #bowhuntingwhitetails #bowhuntingtips
‪@b3archery‬ ‪@MathewsInc‬ ‪@BlackEagleArrows‬
