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Can You Skip Prison in 'Jedi: Fallen Order'? | Part 1

Part 2:    • Can You Skip Prison in 'Jedi: Fallen ...  
If you played Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, you know that at one point Cal gets captured by bounty hunters and ends up in prison. But did you wonder if it's possible to avoid it? In this cinematic video I explore this question and try to find ways to outsmart the game.

PS. You can't use the force flying glitch in this instance because you need double jump ability for that. It's unlocked after prison during the Kashyyyk section when you climb the Origin Tree.

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Fallen Order playlist:    • Darth Wider Walking in 'Jedi: Fallen ...  


[00:00] Intro
[02:18] Jetpack Bounty Hunter
[03:33] Commando
[04:41] Bounty Droid
[06:58] Bounty Droid Skip
[08:07] Trolling the Commando
[09:25] Commando Skip
[10:30] Super Jump Cheat
[11:57] One Hit Kill Cheat
[12:14] Reaching Mantis
[14:45] Returning to Zeffo
[16:34] Getting Captured Later
[17:47] Summary and Outro


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►Get a 30-day free trial of Epidemic Sound by signing up via my referral link: www.epidemicsound.com/referral/awdys7/


►Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Soundtrack by Stephen Barton and Gordy Haab
►Sonic the Hedgehog OST - Green Hill Zone
►JASIAH & Young Bans - Shenanigans (Instrumental Version)
►Thomas the Tank Engine Theme
►DuckTales (NES) - The Moon Theme
►Kevin MacLeod - Local Forcast
►Super Mario Sunshine - A Secret Course


►Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker: framedsc.github.io/GeneralGuides/universal_ue4_con… - this tool was used to gain access to additional options like free camera, pausing the in-game world and more.
►FLING Trainer: flingtrainer.com/trainer/star-wars-jedi-fallen-ord…
►"Better Call Cal" by DarthIre: www.nexusmods.com/starwarsjedifallenorder/mods/8 - this mod was used to change Cal's hair, face and the color of his jacket.


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