This critical discussion on cybersecurity awareness and action focused on the current state of cybersecurity threats, their potential impact on our national security and economy, and the challenges of protecting our nation against cyber attacks. Senator Mark Warner shared insights on efforts to promote cybersecurity legislation, and we explored the roles of individuals, businesses, and government agencies in maintaining a strong and resilient cybersecurity posture.
Guest: Hon. Mark R. Warner, B.A. ‘77, United States Senator, Virginia
Moderator: Mark S. Wrighton, Ph.D., President, The George Washington University
About the 2023 GW Business & Policy Forum
Emerging technologies have become a dominant force in our society — driving economics, policy and culture, and accounting for more than US$40 trillion in global nominal GDP. On April 25, 2023, those driving forces became the focus of global leaders from both the private and public sectors as they came together at the George Washington University for the first annual GW Business & Policy Forum. The theme for this inaugural forum was Attacking Cybersecurity Risks. Participants gained invaluable insights and opportunities for interaction as we addressed the most significant issues related to this ever-evolving landscape and the profound implications they have for global business, markets and regulation.