Join us LIVE from Pindi Bhattian, Pakistan on the 11th of Ramzan 2025 for a heart-wrenching Majlis Aza, a must-watch event for all those who believe in the importance of Azadari. Today, we bring to you a live majlis like no other, a spiritual gathering that will connect you with the essence of Shia Islam. If you're looking for a live majlis today in Pakistan, you're in the right place. Our live majalis are known for their soul-stirring speeches and emotional poetry, making them a perfect tribute to the martyrs of Karbala. From Multan Azadari to Naqi Network, we're proud to be associated with the best names in the business of spreading the message of Imam Hussain. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to immerse yourself in an ocean of emotions as we bring to you the most epic live majlis aza of the year. #Live #live #majlis #livemajlistodayinpakistan #live_majlis_aza #livemajlistoday #shiaknowledge Live majlis pandi bhattian , today live majlis, raza production, pindi bhattian, today live majlis pindi bhattian, live majlis today
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