This sample set is a bit on the old side and is only available in 2 channels (stereo, no multichannel). Despite this, however, I think the sample quality still holds up very well today. I also dont have a multichannel setup, so it couldn't really sound much better for me (unless I loaded the samples in higher quality which I can't do because of my computer). To demonstrate the variety, I have also performed the Passacaglia from J. S. Bach's Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor (BWV 582). I screwed up a page turn (28:10) so please excuse that.
00:00 Manual 2: Bovenwerk
06:32 Bovenwerk w/ Tremulant
09:02 Manual 1: Hoofdwerk
17:27 Pedaal
21:19 Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582