If I could go back in time and learn to code, I would do a lot of things differently. If I could start over, I'd spend more time doing practical projects rather than focusing on theory. I would also prioritize learning how to use an editor and the terminal. And above all, I'd adopt a coding mindset. Today, I walk you through an entire study plan to become a coder/software engineer. I hope this guide inspires you to keep coding and continue your software engineering career.
I'm a 23 year old, recent graduate working at a high growth startup! Follow along for insights into the tech industry, all things startup, and what to expect as a recent-grad remote software engineer.
0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Part 1: Your mindset
0:40 - Adopt a coding mindset
1:58 - Learn how to problem solve
3:58 - Part 2: Learning how to code
4:07 - Learn one programming language deeply
5:15 - Learn scripting
6:12 - Create a personal project
8:32 - Practice for interviews
9:38 - Part 3: Your developer environment
9:58 - Learn the terminal
11:23 - Learn your way around an editor
12:09 - Learn git and become familiar with version control
13:04 - Congrats!
13:25 - Outro
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🗽 Day in the life in New York City: • A Day in the Life of a Software Engin...
❌ Rejecting internship offers from Microsoft and Facebook: • Rejecting Internship Offers From Micr...
😎 I'm not the best programmer: • I'm Not The Best Programmer
💻 Day in the life in San Francisco: • A Day in the Life of a Software Engin...
⏰ 10 years of coding: everything I've ever learned: • 10 Years of Coding: Everything I've E...
💻 Day in the life at a startup: • Day In The Life of a Software Enginee...
📹 Remote software engineers be like (pt. 1): • Remote Software Engineers Be Like (Pt...
📹 Remote software engineers be like (pt. 2): • Remote Software Engineers Be Like (Pt...
⚡4 day work week: • I Only Work 4 DAYS A WEEK as a SOFTWA...
💰 My most recent investing video: • Automating Every $0.01 Of My Software...
🚀 My most recent tech video: • I'm Not The Best Programmer
🎉 Personal website: namanhkapur.com/
100 Days of Coding: bit.ly/udemy-100-days-of-code-course-2
Web Dev Bootcamp: bit.ly/udemy-web-dev-bootcamp-course-2
Data Structures & Algos: bit.ly/udemy-dsa-search-2
Cracking The Coding Interview: amzn.to/3jIPzjD
Elements of Programming Interviews in Python: amzn.to/37hBzuP
CS50: • This is CS50x 2022, now in 4K HDR
Compiler is always right: blog.mozilla.org/nfroyd/2014/05/09/the-compiler-is…
Minimum network flow: math.stackexchange.com/questions/1658669/airline-s…
Knapsack problem: medium.com/@fabianterh/how-to-solve-the-knapsack-p…
Greedy scheduling: www.cs.umd.edu/class/fall2017/cmsc451-0101/Lects/l…
Interview preparation: leetcode.com/
Mock interviews: www.pramp.com/
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#LearnToCode #Programming #SoftwareEngineer #Coding #Python