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सकारात्मक ऊर्जा बढ़ाने कि लिए 741 Hz Frequency | Positive Energy 💚💚

सकारात्मक ऊर्जा बढ़ाने कि लिए 741 Hz Frequency | Positive Energy 💚💚

मैडिटेशन करते समय अल्फ़ा म्यूजिक सुनने से हमारी एकाग्रता बढती है और हमें अच्छे अनुभव होते है. म्यूजिक हमें सबसे ज्यादा फोकस रहने में मदद करता है इसलिए ध्यान करते समय कुछ खास म्यूजिक को सुना जाए तो हमारे वाइब्रेशन में बढ़ोतरी होती है|

ज्यादातर लोग मैडिटेशन के समय म्यूजिक सुनना पसंद करते है. ये म्यूजिक दुसरे म्यूजिक की तरह न होकर spiritual or instrumental होता है. इनकी जो लय होती है वो हमारे brain waves को बहुत जल्दी relax कर देती है और इसी वजह से हमें शांति और आनंद की अनुभूति होती है. क्या आप जानते है की अगर हम अपनी मस्तिष्क की तरंगो को खास frequency से trigger करे तो हम अपनी subconscious power को कम time में activate कर सकते है. alpha music या special frequency spiritual music जिसे solfeggio frequency भी कहते है 6 भाग में है इनका हमारे brain पर अलग अलग प्रभाव होता है.

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Watch this video or listen to this music and check for yourself the kind of impact it has on you.

Don't Forget To Join THE MEDITATION HALL Community at :    / @themeditationhall  

Many serious patients suffering from anxiety issues including the ones that had developed anxiety have reported this frequency to be helpful. This is perfect Music for you to fall asleep of just relax and let the frequencies curre your #insomnia.

Do nothing, just play it and lie down, loosen up.


The Meditation Hall specializes In Creating Relaxing Music, Relaxing Sleep Music, Sleeping Music, Sleep Meditation, Meditation Music, Calm Music, Yoga Music, Spa Music, Study Music, Healing Music Or Zen Music With The Aim Of Helping You Beat The Stress. Embedded With Binaural Beats And Delta Waves, Relaxing Sleep Music, Sleeping Music, Sleep Meditation, Meditation Music, Calm Music, Yoga Music, Spa Music, Study Music, Healing Music Or Zen Music Videos.

We Provide Peaceful Music To Help You Relax, Engage In Sleep Meditation And Achieve Lucid Dreams During Insomnia, Melatonin Or Narcolepsy.

The Meditation Hall's Popular Study Music Provides Music That Will Help You Focus And Study. This Study Music Will Help You To Work, Study Or Read.

Use The Meditation Hall Study Music To Prepare For Exams And The Meditation Hall Relax Music To Reduce Exam Related Anxiety. Last But Not The Least The Meditation Hall Relaxing Music, Relaxing Sleep Music, Sleeping Music, Sleep Meditation, Meditation Music, Calm Music, Yoga Music, Spa Music, Study Music, Healing Music Or Zen Music Is Music That Helps To Reduce Anxiety And Restore Inner Peace.

Thanks For Listening To The Meditation Hall Music.

Introduce Yourself To The Meditation Hall Community In The Comments Section And Let Us Know Where In The World You’re Listening From.


Everyone at The Meditation Hall would like to Thank all you Beautiful Souls, who support us by listening to our meditations and healing music, giving us their feedback, sending us their love and blessings and buy our meditations, solfeggio music, sleep music, chakra chants and healing music.

This all helps us to continue on our journey, on our mission. MISSION to bring more peace and mindfulness in people's lives through Music, Meditation and Chants. Mission to improve the Well-being of our planet earth. And you make this journey more beautiful for us, everyday, by joining in these sessions.

Thank You All from the bottom of our Hearts.

❮ Infinite Love and Gratitude ❯

#सकारात्मकऊर्जाकैसेबढ़ायें #सकारात्मकऊर्जा #सकारात्मकऊर्जाबढ़ानेकीfrequency
