Chad provides a lesson on Springs and Elastic Potential Energy. He begins with an introduction to the restoring force of springs and Hooke's Law (F=-kx) as well as the formula for elastic potential energy (PE=1/2kx^2). He shows how the restoring force of a spring is proportional to both the displacement from the equilibrium position and to the spring constant, k. He explains how the restoring force of a spring is a conservative force which is why an associated potential energy is possible. Chad then shows how this new form of potential energy can be incorporated into the conservation of mechanical energy when there are no nonconservative forces.
Chad then moves on to springs practice problems. The first is a simple calculation involving Hooke's law. The second problem is a conservation of mechanical energy problem where the velocity of a mass on a spring must be calculated as it passes through the equilibrium position. The last problem is also a conservation of mechanical energy problem where both gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy must be accounted for.
00:00 Lesson Introduction
00:47 Hooke's Law for a Spring
03:10 Elastic Potential Energy of a Spring
12:51 Hooke's Law Problem for a Spring
16:37 Conservation of Mechanical Energy Problem with Elastic PE
20:53 Conservation of Mechanical Energy Problem with Elastic PE & Gravitational PE
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