老饕才知道的冉冉新星:日本「御料理 ふじ居」精緻呈現富山當季的精華
日本北陸富山灣的海鮮聞名於世,約有 500 種的海鮮棲息於此,對於美食愛好者來說,北陸地區是曖曖內含光的寶石,除了聞名的甜美白蝦之外,春天的螢光烏賊也可以說是日本之最。而富山最具代表的日本料理店之一「御料理 藤井居」在「米其林指南北陸2021特別版」中獲得了二星。除此之外,還入選了日本時報的「2023年目的地餐廳名單」。在「御料理 藤井居」的菜單中,每一道料理都體現了主廚對食材的理解和精湛的技藝。
「御料理 ふじ居」不斷提升,提供極致的富山本地食材的極致體驗,以富山的時令食材打造出獨特的料理,而我也期待下一個季節再次拜訪。
Toyama’s Rrising Star of Japanese Cuisine: Oryouri Fujii
In early September this year, I visited a series of destination restaurants in Toyama and Kanazawa, located in Japan’s Hokuriku region.The seafood of Toyama Bay is renowned worldwide, with around 500 species inhabiting its waters. For food lovers, Hokuriku is a hidden gem.
One of the most iconic Japanese restaurants in Toyama, Oryouri Fujii, was awarded two stars in the Michelin Guide Hokuriku 2021 Special Edition. Additionally, it was also selected into “Destination Restaurants 2023“ list by The Japan Times.
From the menu, the Sweetfish Pot Rice was a masterpiece. As the lid was lifted, the aroma of the fish and rice filled the air, revealing dozens of sweetfish neatly arranged over the rice. Unlike the charcoal-grilled sweetfish, the pot rice allowed the fish to steam together with the rice, permeating each grain with the fat and umami of the fish. The chef carefully removed the head and bones, ensuring the tender fish meat was evenly mixed into the rice, making each bite flavorful.
Oryouri Fujii continues to refine and provide the ultimate dining experience with local Toyama ingredients, creating dishes that capture the essence of Toyama‘s seasonal flavors. I eagerly anticipate my next visit to see what the new season will bring.
@jocelyn_tastytrip @fujii0608
#toyama #japan #oryourifujii #japaneats #michelinguide #thejapantimes #destinationrestaurant
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