Tess Balshaw l Physiotherapist
(BHlth&RehabSc, MPhty)
Tess Halbauer l Physiotherapist
(BHlth&RehabSc, MPhty)
Age Fit with Tess l Online physiotherapy practice for people to manage pain, build strength, and gain fitness.
E: tess@agefitwithtess.com
W: www.agefitwithtess.com
S: url.bio/agefitwithtess
4 month Program: www.agefitwithtess.com/fitwitharthritis
Single Consult: www.agefitwithtess.com/consultation
Self Assessment: www.agefitwithtess.com/selfassessment
Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/agefitwithtess/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/agefitwithtess/
Age Fit with Tess is the channel to support you in managing pain, building strength, and gaining fitness despite Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and chronic joint pain.
Resistance band set amzn.to/3HJ0Hr5
Resistance band set heavy amzn.to/3JDJY9e
Dumbbell weights amzn.to/3HFXcSv
Aerobic step amzn.to/3p4W43w
Yoga mat amzn.to/34O73Yd
This content is for information and education purposes only. Always seek advice from your health care provider prior to participating in exercise programs. Disclaimer: www.facebook.com/notes/age-fit-with-tess/age-fit-w…
00:24 physiotherapy consultation and fit with arthritis program
00:37 caution for neck exercises
00:55 cervical flexion with overpressure
01:53 cervical lateral flexion with overpressure
02:57 cervical rotation with overpressure
04:07 levator scapula stretch
05:44 shoulder stretch
06:50 thoracic rotation
08:33 scapula retraction
09:12 shoulder shrugs
09:54 butterflies
10:14 are you on track self-assessment