Hey guys, thanks so much for watching my video.
This video is all about writing music that is intimate and minimal. It contains 5 simple tips on how to achieve a successful simple, small and intimate composition.
I hope you enjoy!
Tip 1 - It's all in the arrangement: 1:00
Tip 2 - Use Small Ensembles: 3:00
Tip 3 - Learn Performance Techniques: 4:17
Tip 4 - Use Close Mics to capture the small and intricate details: 6:16
Tip 5 - Focus on harmony and texture as your primary expressive tools: 8:33
Bonus Tip: 10:34
Thanks for watching!
Website/Portfolio: louietaylor.co.uk/
If you like my work and/or music and would like to hire me to write music for your project or teach you private composition lessons, email me here: louie@louietaylor.co.uk
Description Tags:
Orchestral, Music, Logic Pro, Tutorial, Film Music, Game Music, Composition