🧮 Course Problems & Certificate 👉 lukeb.co/excel
📁 Course Files* & Projects 👉 lukeb.co/excel_files
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My FREE Course to be a Data Analyst 👉 lukebarousse.com/5daycourse
Course Outline
👋 Intro
0:00:00 - Welcome
0:03:53 - What is Excel?
0:07:19 - About Course
0️⃣ Excel Setup
0:11:19 - Excel Install
1️⃣ Spreadsheets Intro
0:22:42 - Worksheets
0:39:15 - Workbooks
0:52:06 - Ribbon
2️⃣ Formulas & Functions
1:06:39 - Formulas Intro
1:18:08 - Function Intro
1:29:14 - Logical Functions
1:39:54 - Math Functions
1:49:46 - Statistical Functions
2:01:14 - Array Formulas
2:21:28 - Lookup Function
2:39:25 - Text Functions
2:53:19 - Date and Time Functions
3️⃣ Charts
3:01:33 - Charts Intro
3:22:05 - Charts Advanced
3:35:37 - Charts Statistics
3:47:59 - Sparklines
4️⃣ Spreadsheet Advanced
3:51:57 - Tables
4:09:28 - Formatting
4:26:00 - Collaboration
📊 Project #1 - Salary Dashboard
4:40:30 - Project #1: Build Dashboard
5:26:43 - Project #1: Share Projects
5️⃣ PivotTables
5:33:46 - PivotTable Intro
5:54:53 - PivotTable Advanced
6:09:33 - PivotCharts
6️⃣ Advanced Data Analysis
6:19:43 - Analysis Add-ins
6:39:00 - Data Tables
6:48:06 - Analysis ToolPak
7️⃣ Power Query
7:03:04 - Power Query Intro
7:23:26 - Power Query Editor
7:53:13 - Advanced Transformations
8:14:58 - Append vs Merge
8:39:13 - M Language
8️⃣ Power Pivot / DAX
9:03:11 - Power Pivot Intro
9:29:01 - Power Pivot Window
9:48:18 - DAX Intro
10:09:34 - DAX Advanced
📈 Project #2 - Salary Analysis
10:27:40 - Project #2: Share w/ Git & GitHub
10:45:13 - Project #2: Document w/ README.md
Links Mentioned (by Chapter)
👋 Intro
Kelly’s LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kellyjianadams/
Kelly’s Website: www.kellyjadams.com/
0️⃣ Excel Setup
Run Windows on a Mac (Virtual Machine) - lukeb.co/parallels
Microsoft 365 (Recommended) - www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365
Office Home & Student 2024 - www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/p/office-hom…
📊 Project #1 - Salary Dashboard
One Drive Folder - onedrive.live.com/
Project #1: Excel Online Version - lukeb.co/excel_dashboard
7️⃣ Power Query
What is Power Query? - learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-query/power-query-…
Wikipedia Table S&P 500 - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_S&P_500_companies
8️⃣ Power Pivot / DAX
Merges (SQL Joins) - lukeb.co/sql_joins
DAX Guide - learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dax/
📈 Project #2 - Salary Analysis
Git Download - git-scm.com/downloads
GitHub Sign-up - github.com/signup
GitHub Desktop - desktop.github.com/download/
Markdown Cheatsheet - markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/
📚 Recommended Books & Courses
SQL for Data Analytics - • SQL for Data Analytics - Learn SQL in...
The Excel 365 Bible - geni.us/excel_bible
M is for (Data) Monkey (renamed: Master Your Data) - geni.us/power_query
Social Media
📫Newsletter: www.lukebarousse.com/
👨🏼💼 Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/luke-b/
🅧 X/Twitter: twitter.com/LukeBarousse
🌄 Instagram: www.instagram.com/lukebarousse/
⏰ TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@lukebarousse
As an Amazon, Coursera, and Parallels Affiliate Programs member, I earn a commission from qualifying purchases on the links above. It costs you nothing but helps me with content creation.
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