This video demonstrates the use of superelements for the efficient modelling of the complex frame parts of flexure joints. It is shown that the combination of beam elements to model the large deformation of flexures and superelements to model the small deformation of frame parts results in very accurate and efficient models for flexure mechanisms.
Details can be found in:
Dwarshuis et al. 2022. “A multinode superelement in the generalized strain formulation”. In: Multibody System Dynamics.
Dwarshuis et al. 2023. “Derivation of a superelement with deformable interfaces – applied to model flexure joint”. In: Multibody System Dynamics.
Naves et al. 2019. “Large stroke high off-axis stiffness three degree of freedom spherical flexure joint”. In: Precision engineering.
This is the last of four recent improvements in flexure modelling that are part of the PhD research of Koen Dwarshuis at the Precision Engineering lab (Dannis Brouwer) at the University of Twente. Details can be found in the PhD thesis:
Dwarshuis, 2022. “Beam-based analysis of flexure mechanisms: Increasing computational efficiency, accuracy and design freedom”
Research team:
Koen Dwarshuis, Ronald Aarts, Marcel Ellenbroek, Dannis Brouwer
Video by:
Koen Dwarshuis, Marijn Nijenhuis
HTSM 2017, NWO (16210)