Spectral vision of the song and vocals.
Original: • 初舞台纯享:Dimash《stranger》| 追光吧!Shine! Su...
Isolated: • A capella style - Stranger - Dimash K...
Karaoke: • Dimash Kudaibergen - Stranger (Offici...
VB: Vibrato amplitude (1 semitone, 2, etc.)
C: Chest
H: Head/Falsetto
CM: Chest Mix (Belt)
BM: Balanced Mix
HM: Head Mix
FG: Flageolet
F: Fry (Fried atonal noise)
CF: Chest-fry.
SF: Sub Fry (Unclear subharmonic)
S: Subharmonic (Clear sub-octave)
TG: Tonal Growl (Clear harmonics & tone)
SG: Semi tonal Growl (Excess air. Unclear tone)
W: Whistle
EW: Exhalation Whistle. (High frecuency tone at compressed exhalations)
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