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Here's a little video of me trying to articulate what's been going round in my head recently. I'm not sure I did a great of it though! Hopefully there's something in there that's interesting or entertaining!
WARNING: I say 'Boogie Woogie' a number of times in this video!
Link to the David Bennett video I talk about: • 6 PIANISTS IMPROVISE OVER THE SAME TR...
Here's a link to the original Paul Davids video which has the original backing track that David Bennett used in his video too: • 10 GUITARISTS SOLO OVER THE SAME TRAC...
The pianist from the original video:
Charles Cornell: / @charlescornellstudios
Jeff Schneider: / @jeffschneidermusic
Aimee Nolte: / @aimeenolte
Nahre Sol: / @nahresol
Sangah Noona: / @sangahnoona
My Equipment:
Microphone: amzn.to/3NhdTIo
Nord Stage 2EX Keyboard (this is the upgraded Stage 4): amzn.to/3BwCW7v
Main Camera: amzn.to/3Yg0Wot
2nd Camera: amzn.to/4dAkkAT
Main lens: amzn.to/4eRS1z0
Computer: amzn.to/3BwCW7v
Audio interface: amzn.to/3XYYSj8
Main Light: amzn.to/3Nh2Iz8
Light wand: amzn.to/4eUqnkU
Accent light: amzn.to/4eUqnkU
Headphones: amzn.to/3YaLB8y