Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky was written in the midst of radical political developments whose direction Alinsky was one of the first to question. He has set down some of the rules of the game and no one has had more experience or has been more successful at it than Saul. Rules pertaining to the ethics of means and ends, rules of power tactics, organizers and four groups humanity divides into. Accepting and seeing where we are as the key to creating where we want to be.
A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals
"Rules for Radicals" by Saul D. Alinsky - Book PReview
Book of the Week - BOTW - Season 6 Book 22
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#radical #rules #revolution
2:22 Today's Generation
3:52 A WAY of Life
5:27 Where must an organizer must start from?
6:59 Reformation
7:39 There are only 3 things anyone can do
8:20 Great dangers and Great opportunity
10:15 Dogma
11:01 Radicals must be resilient
13:30 Mankind divides itself into FOUR GROUPS
16:41 Alice in Wonderland
17:55 Does the end justify the means
18:15 Rules pertaining to the ethics of means and ends
18:46 Rule 2
19:21 Rule 3
19:33 Rule 4
19:53 Rule 5
20:09 Rule 6
20:27 Rule 7
20:50 Rule 8
21:08 Rule 9
21:21 Rule 10
21:36 Rule 11
21:53 In short
23:38 Imagination
28:24 The basic difference between a leader and an organizer
30:08 Rules of power tactics
30:20 Rule 2
30:27 Rule 3
30:35 Rule 4
30:41 Rule 5
30:50 Rule 6
31:04 Rule 7
31:09 Rule 8
31:21 Rule 9
31:27 Rule 10
31:39 Rule 11
31:50 Rule 12
31:58 Rule 13
32:32 People must be “reformed”
33:47 We must believe
FIND OUT which HUMAN NEED is driving all of your behavior
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