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Powder Room Renovation - Part 2 - Painting, Hanging Wallpaper, and Installing Cove Wood Paneling

Good morning and happy Sunday! It feels so good to be back this week with part 2 of our powder room renovation! In today's video you'll be following me along for the last 2 weeks as Mark and I work really hard to turn my vision for this powder room into reality. I worked tirelessly on this video and didn't finish recording and editing it until after midnight - in advance, I apologize for any mistakes I may have missed. With that, how about we go ahead and jump into this week's episode as we paint, hang wallpaper, and install our coved wood paneling! ENJOY and I can't wait to chat with you guys down in the comments!

PS. I know this is a long video, but last night after midnight, I just couldn't think how to cut 2 weeks of content down any further. Let's just say that I made up for not having a video last Sunday!

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Spoonflower Wallpaper - rstyle.me/+FRUx65OcBjhVXToX9pXi3Q

Rockler -    • How to Make Cove Cuts with a Cove Cut...  
Woodworkers Journal -    • Cove Cutting with a Table Saw | Woodw...  

Rockler Cove Wood Cutting Jig - a.co/d/7xJ0itM
RIGID Table Saw - rstyle.me/+xDngiCyMReD71nlnV38WBg
RIGID Miter Saw - rstyle.me/+m-PG588THz_NmCJ_7ynRcQ

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