Happy Piano Day! On this 88th day of the year, we are very happy to announce our new Double Felt Grand Piano for Keyscape! - Available now as a FREE UPDATE to current Keyscape users.
We were honored to have the amazing Olivia Belli play her inspired pieces “As I Was” and “Spiderwebs of Clouds” for us and we’re so excited to share her masterful exploration of this special new piano. Enjoy this blissful musical moment featuring the Keyscape Double Felt Grand! :-)
Find out more about the new Keyscape Double Felt Grand here: www.spectrasonics.net/news/news-content.php?id=139
More about Olivia Belli: oliviabelli.lnk.to/solnovo
Olivia Belli appears courtesy of XXIM Records, a label of Sony Music Entertainment.
Olivia is using a Roland A-88 to play Keyscape in this video.