Sectors 71-80 are residential clusters with good access to commercial centres, whereas Sector 80 is an industrial locality. These sectors offer a lot of real estate development possibilities and plenty of greenery. It largely hosts new and under-construction multi-story apartment buildings, residential plots, builder-floor flats, and industrial regions. This cluster also has land parcels for additional residential construction.
Because of its closeness to the Noida Special Economic Zone and the Aqua Metro Line, it mostly serves the middle-income group and has witnessed real estate expansion. The societies' residential complexes include a variety of retail shops, convenience stores, cafes, and pharmacies. Residents also choose Sector 50 Market and Sector 41 C-Block Market. To know more about the sectors, watch the entire video, you can also visit the MagicBricks website:
▬▬▬▬▬Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬
00:00 Intro about all the sectors from 71 to 80 in Noida
01:15 Location & connectivity of all the sectors
02:23 Nearby social infrastructure
03:51 Real estate market
04:28 Recap
04:43 Closing remarks
#Sector72Noida, #Sector73Noida, #sector74Noida, #Sector75Noida, #Sector76Noida, #Sector77Noida, #Sector78Noida, #Sector79Noida, #Sector78Noida #NoidaRealEstate #NoidaProperties #NoidaHomes #NoidaInvestments #NoidaPropertyMarket #NoidaBuilders #NoidaPropertyDeals #NoidaResidentialProjects #NoidaRealty #NoidaPropertyInvestment #NoidaRealEstateTrends #NoidaPropertyPrices #NoidaRealEstateTips #NoidaPropertyBuying #NoidaRealEstateDevelopment #NoidaRealEstateUpdates #NoidaPropertyInvestors #greenarea #flatsnearnoidasector77 #multistoryflats #multistoryapartments #residentialprojectsinnoida