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Studio Vlog 15 Changing my website & a rant about the hard times! | From Lucy with Love

{w a t c h i n H D ^ ^}
A bit of a long one today guys (oops!), but I had a few things going on so thought I'd just vlog and waffle on as always! I am in the middle of updating and restructuring Leaf Lane Studio (the website will go live with its updates in the New Year) and I want to try and vlog the process and the reasons I am doing things, so you can expect to hear a bit more about that soon too! I will also be designing a spring collection of stationery and want to make sure you guys are involved so stay tuned for all of those things!

Please comment below if there is anything specific you would like to see more of as I would love to hear from you!

Any suggestions or things you would like me to talk about just comment or email me on fromlucywithlove@outlook.com

You can also find me here:
B L O G N E W S L E T T E R :: goo.gl/yfXQHj

B L O G :: www.fromlucywithlove.co.uk/

I N S T A G R A M :: www.instagram.com/fromlucywithloveblog

F A C E B O O K :: www.facebook.com/fromlucywithlove

T W I T T E R :: www.twitter.com/lucycarterart

P I N T E R E S T :: www.pinterest.com/lucycarterart

My business, Leaf Lane Studio, can be found right here:

S I G N U P F O R M Y N E W S L E T T E R: eepurl.com/b2HRxL

W E B S I T E :: www.leaflanestudio.com/

I N S T A G R A M :: www.instagram.com/leaflanestudio

F A C E B O O K :: www.facebook.com/leaflanestudio

T W I T T E R :: www.twitter.com/leaflanestudio

P I N T E R E S T :: www.pinterest.com/leaflanestudio

Music from the YouTube library

Thank you all so much for stopping by my channel. I would love it if you would check out my blog too (see all my links above!).

All my videos are filmed on my Canon G7X Mark ii and edited on the Sony Premier software!

See you in the next one guys!

Lucy xoxo
