What makes you a perfect PhD student? The academic system requires that you jump through certain hoops and that you also satisfy the career aspirations and goals of your supervisor. In this video I will share some tips on what makes an ideal PhD student! So you can be as successful as possible!
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0:00 – introduction
0:40 – what supervisors want
2:11 – long hours in the lab
5:20 – inquisitive mind with own ideas
6:46 – self driven and solution focused
9:35 – academic papers
12:02 – great writing skills and communication skills
14:42 - outro
📷 My Gear 📷
Camera - Canon EOS 650D amzn.to/3aDOog6
On camera mic - amzn.to/3iMTzx0
Webcam - amzn.to/34bqk2R
Shotgun microphone - amzn.to/34gzcUX
Portable recorder - amzn.to/3kUzF53
Lighting - amzn.to/2YgbAfv