In the mountains of the Alpujarra in southern Spain, some pioneers are trying to revive the region with an ancient herb. Juan Peña grows hemp on the steep southern slopes of the Sierra Nevada. The seeds are pressed into oil and the pomace is then ground into flour.
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Hemp belongs to the cannabis plants, but unlike the related marijuana, it contains less than 0.2% of the active ingredient THC and has no psychoactive effect. Unfortunately for Juan, Spain has banned hemp cultivation for small farmers in 2021, so this will be the last season for him.
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The region also offers ideal conditions for almond cultivation. The branches of the trees have been beaten with sticks for centuries so that the fruit falls to the ground. Juan's wife Yolanda Godoy processes the produce in creative ways: She prepares a vegetarian carpaccio with courgettes, experiments with shelled hemp seeds as chicken breading and cooks the traditional almond soup of the Alpujarra.
At our Neighbour's Table - Alpujarra | Season 2021 - Episode 263
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