🎸 Mix-ready Songwriting Template → www.reapertips.com/templates/modern-metal-songwrit…
Here's how I usually track guitars (and everything else) in REAPER ✨
I go over my track structure for double tracking, special recording shortcuts, a custom action that explodes the last two takes into the next two tracks, preparing the session, loop recording and moar! – Also how I use an old keyboard as a recording tool. Pretty cool thing :)
🚀 Article (Find custom action here)
→ www.reapertips.com/post/how-i-record-guitars-quick…
🎸 Song we tracked in this video (I had fun and extended it!)
→ reapertips.bandcamp.com/track/boo
💻 Gear I use → kit.co/reapertips
📙 FREE REAPER eBook (all you need to setup REAPER right)
→ www.reapertips.com/freebies/the-perfect-setup
🌎 Reapertips website (I upload bunch of tips here)
→ www.reapertips.com/
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✌️ Second channel (I upload more frequently, but with less video editing effort)
→ youtube.com/@reapertips_loweffort
• How to show FX list in track panel (pro tools style) → • Show FX list in REAPER (Pro Tools Style)
• How to autocolor your tracks in REAPER → • Auto color in REAPER 🔥
• A trick to audition and select takes quickly → • if you do take recording in REAPER...
• How I edit guitars (5 Advanced Ways to Edit in REAPER) → • 5 Advanced Ways to Edit in REAPER
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INQUIRIES → alejandro(at)reapertips.com
I am using Smooth 6 theme: forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=228983
And the blue toolbar icons + rubber dark borders from here: www.reapertips.com/freebies/icon-themes
🕹 Chapters:
00:00 Intro
0:12 Track Overview
0:49 How I tune
1:45 Lock track height
2:17 Recording shortcuts
3:25 Recording prep
3:47 Loop recording
5:01 A small problem and a small solution
6:35 Let's record something!
10:36 bai bai!
Edited with Gling: gling.ai/
#reaperdaw #reapertips