Join ClubGG poker through Telegram here:
and here:
The High Roller Club is part of TMT union, which boasts softer games with a lower player win ratio since it discourages high percentages of poker crushers, but it also supports some high stakes games!
The Cheddar Club is is promoted by fellow YouTuber @NorCal_Poker who hosts weekly meetup games where he awards $100 for FREE every week to the largest stack! He says if he can win consistently in these games, then certainly anyone can!
I myself will be hosting my own meet up games and live streams for these clubs soon, so stay tuned!
[Video editing corrections: In the 54 hand in the BB, the pot after the flop bet should be 135, not 100. And subsequently, the turn and river should have that extra $35 as well. In the Q4 hand in the BB, the pot should include the preflop limps, so an extra $20 after the flop, making it 65, not 45. Trying to rush these videos out to you guys ASAP, so we apologize for the errors.]
Back from vacation, and so are the Luscious Ladies! Took a week off visiting family for the 4th of July. Expect more regular releases now. Thank you everyone for your support hitting over 1k subscribers! I actually have content for 10 videos atm, but the editing process is extremely tedious, so stay tuned for future tips on how to crush 2-5 live Texas Hold 'Em! I averaged $300 an hour for the month of June (almost 17k), and $220 for the month of May (about 15k) playing strictly 2-5 part time. I currently sport a 45k 3-month average. I've actually been playing less and less lately due to the time investment required for these videos, so please Like, Subscribe, and Comment on my content to support my endeavors to produce future videos.
Poker Vloggers unite! If you have a poker channel with roughly 40k subscribers or more, but you mostly play 1-2, 1-3, or 2-5 and could use some advice on how to improve your game, I'd be willing to fly you out to Vegas for a week of one-on-one tutelage with yours truly! Room, flight, and lessons complimentary. Reach out to me through my e-mail.
Subscribe to Aero Innovations: / @aeroplayspoker
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0:00 Intro
0:56 K-Q DH
1:37 5-6 HH
4:39 5-4 SC
7:01 A-10 DC
8:13 Q-Q SC
10:19 7-9 CC
13:28 A-Q DD
16:19 Q-4 SD
17:52 K-K DS
19:20 Outro
Intro/Outro Footage Credits:; various artists
Original session date: June 10 at 11:45pm
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