Dear friends! Don't miss the HUGE SALE on Aliexpress! ☸ Great DZAMBALA Money Mantra
☸ mantra for MONEY $ and Business Luck
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ॐ divine energy of spiritual enlightenment
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● ▬ ॐ Devotional Dzambhala mantra for money text (lyrics) ॐ
● ▬ ☸ #Dzambala mantra for #Money meaning / Translation ☸
Dzam - Deity or gathering.
Bhah - gold or wealth.
La - to honor
Dzam-bha-la - means Precious Golden Deity, who gathers or brings the wealth of spirituality or Dharma & material security or accomplishment to our lives
Great Treasure Lord, Noble Dzambhala,
You are the Lord of Precious Treasures,
Having Power over riches, rain, precious rain;
Give me, the yogi, the blessing of accomplishing wealth. Effortlessly, desireless, The Wisdom Jewel, Wish-fulfilling Tree, Fulfills the hopes of all sentient beings.
May all wishes be auspiciously accomplished!
● ▬ ☸ The purpose of the #DzambhalaMantra #MoneyMantra ☸
Dzambala (Ind. - Kubera, Vaisravana, TIB. Dzambala, Zambala Namsarai) is most well-known for being a Buddha of Wealth & well, everyone wants money! The rich gold colouring of his skin represents increase & growth He can bring us wealth & help us out of poverty but more importantly, his practice can also bring us to spiritual wealth & personal growth to become a better person
Dzambala - God of wealth & prosperity. Helping people to wisely design values, material wealth, freeing them thus of worries & fears. It can bring prosperity & good luck to those, & only those who are guided by moral principles.
Considered the most popular & powerful of the deities, the giver of material wealth.
He is considered a manifestation of Buddha Ratnasambhava, who is one of the five dhyani Buddhas (or "5 meditation Budda") of Vajrayana or tantric Buddhism, as the embodiment of equanimity & equality & , in Vajrayana Buddhist thought is associated with the attempt to destroy greed & pride. Buddha Ratnasambhava corresponds to the sensations & feelings (vedana), embodies the primordial wisdom of equality.
According to legend Dzambala was not always deity. At the time, Brahma appointed him to the position of curator & dispenser of the treasures & wealth to eliminate poverty & ensure financial stability in the Universe
Listening to Dzambala mantra with full concentration increases well-being, wisdom, tolerance, vigilance & spiritual achievements, confers protection from the difficulties & all the negative, helps to develop an altruistic motivation.
Dzambala also grants as longevity, memory & wisdom.
● ▬ ☸ What is mantra? Mantra definition ☸
Mantras (chants) are sounds made up of sacred Sanskrit syllables, which help us to improve our energy. #Chanting powerful mantras or listening to them give us access to the Divine Forces, bring harmony in our mind, body & of course sets our heart on a wave of divine energy, bringing bliss into our inner world
#mantra came from India, it' a special set of sacred sounds that creates a resonance affects on our energy. So of course no matter to listen to the mantra or chant it, but effect will be better if mentally repeat the text thus the blissful inner state will be achieved sooner
NUMBER of REPEATS: Take a course for 1 month: According to hindu rituals repeats should be multiple of 9 (as usual - 108 times will be great), BUT MOST IMPORTANT – listen 3 times a day, doesn't matter how many times
TIME: Best effect will be if you listen 3 times a day – morning, afternoon & evening (before bedtime)
PHYSICAL CONDITION: be calm & relax your body so the energy of the sound will have the maximum effect
EFFECT: When the number of chanting reaches a certain value (after 1 month), you will learn how to resolve many problems, achieve realization of your potential, harmony within you & bliss. Just repeat inwardly: "I CAN DO EVERYTHING I WANT! I WILL DO! MY FORTUNE IS WITHIN ME!". Just say magic words: "I WILL SUCCEED IN ALL MY EFFORTS! MY DESTINY IS IN MY HANDS!
● ▬ ☸ All lists of mantras to chant daily for enlightenment
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