Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoy this cozy writing diary, in which I tackle editing the first 50% of my novel. I hope this writing diary gives you a dash of inspiration for your own work in progress!
This video is the first episode in a new series, “The Writing Diaries,” which will document the journey of revising draft 4 of my fantasy novel, which is going by the name of Project Amaranth.
Set in a world of myth and magic, Project Amaranth is the first book in a trilogy: an epic tale of love and loss, hope, grief, and the bonds of friendship forged through fire.
Thanks for watching! 😊
0:00 - intro
0:45 - my game plan
2:17 - I’m in love
3:19 - let’s talk critique strategy
5:23 - packet 1 is done!
5:34 - my advisor’s unexpected reaction
7:59 - the real work begins
8:16 - disorientation: a writer’s lament
8:53 - a minor meltdown (of joy)
10:26 - ruminations
12:12 - update from the trenches
13:02 - the final countdown
14:47 - packet 2 is done!
16:00 - the final feedback
17:38 - closing thoughts
Like my content and want to buy me a coffee? ☕️ → www.buymeacoffee.com/oliviagracecook
🌷 Instagram: @olivia.grace.cook
🪴 Pinterest: @acountrywriter
☕️ Newsletter: tremendous-hustler-9131.ck.page/4237b06a92
🖊 Blog: simplyoliviagrace.com
MUSIC courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Million Eyes / Lily’s Dance: www.epidemicsound.com/track/mHZ5Ha6rg9/
Million Eyes / In Your Dreams: www.epidemicsound.com/track/ym2y1q49eF/
Martin Klem / Stepping Lightly: www.epidemicsound.com/track/6Qef4W3njZ/
Ever So Blue / Redolent: www.epidemicsound.com/track/jFQ5xEM1h4/
If we haven’t met yet, hi! 👋 I’m Olivia, a twenty-something writer living on the central coast of California. After studying English literature in college, I’m now pursuing my MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in creative writing. Through documenting my writing journey and sharing about all things books, creativity, travel, and life design, I’m here to inspire and encourage you on your journey to creating a beautiful life. Thanks for stopping by! ☀️
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