Do you know what the oldest written song is? Imagine music older than the great pyramids of Giza. We're talking about a song from over 3,400 years ago, discovered not as a faded melody passed down through generations, but etched onto clay tablets in cuneiform script – the Hurrian Hymn No. 6.
This isn't just some random tune; it's a hymn to a goddess, Nikkal, from the ancient city of Ugarit. But the real mind-blower? These tablets don't just have lyrics, they have musical notation. Scholars have actually deciphered it and reconstructed the melody. So, for the first time in millennia, we can hear a song from a civilization that existed long before our own. It's a haunting, beautiful piece, a direct connection to the music of our ancestors, and it might just change how you think about the history of music forever.