In this video, I cover how to remove all negative items from a FICO credit report on file at the Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax credit reporting agencies in 4 days or less through the technique of FCRA § 605(b) blocking. This technique requires a 4-day removal of negative items on the FICO report as opposed to the 30-day removal timeframe used in standard FCRA § 609 disputing, and can all be done remotely from a computer or smartphone with an internet connection. This method can be used to remove all negative accounts and delinquencies on a FICO report as well as all hard inquiries, collections, and charge-offs reporting as a result of the negative accounts. In the example from this video, we show how more than $80,000 of debt can be eliminated from the FICO report in 3 days through the use of this technique.
Credit Sweep Guide PDF Download Link:
CFPB Complaint Example PDF Download Link:
Weekly Credit Consultation Call Tickets:
Supervisor Deletion Script:
I'm posting this script here for clients who have been asking me about situations where negative items are reinserted after the initial block request is filed through the CFPB complaint as shown in this video. In that scenario, through the method of supervisor deletion, it is possible to have a manual block of the contested items implemented on the affected credit file so the items can't reappear even if they are erroneously being reported by the data furnishers as "verified." Here is the process for supervisor deletion:
Call up the credit reporting agencies who refused to process the first block request, ask to speak to a supervisor on the phone, and read them this script in a conversational way: "Hi, I'm contacting you about the credit file you maintain under the name (Consumer's Name), Social Security Number (Consumer's SSN), and date of birth (Consumer's Date of Birth). I recently contacted your company through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on (date you filed the CFPB complaint) with a 605B deletion request to block information appearing on this credit report as the result of identity theft and fraud. Along with the request, I submitted an official sworn crime report filed with a law enforcement agency, a driver's license and utility bill as proof of address, a social security card as proof of identity, a copy of the credit report generated by your company showing the items appearing as the result of identity theft, and all of the other information your company would have needed in order to process the 605B deletion request and block the information off of the credit file. However, as of today, you have not processed this block request within the 4-day statutory timeframe required by section 605B from the Fair Credit Reporting Act. At this time, I am requesting that you, as a supervisor, manually process this 605B deletion request on my behalf. Furthermore, I request an internal executive escalation complaint against this department, against the department's management, and against the previous supervisors who handled my 605B block based on their refusal to process the block even after having been provided all of the items required by the FCRA which the supervisor would have needed in order to process this block on my behalf.
I am concerned that your company is erroneously processing my block request as a regular dispute when it is actually a request to block information on my credit report resulting from an ongoing identity theft incident which is required by law to be blocked from my credit file within 4 days. When I contacted the data furnisher who reported these items to this credit file, they stated that they do not maintain records of the sworn crime report that was sent to your company along with my initial 605B deletion request, so I am concerned that your company performed an unlawful investigation by contacting the data furnisher rather than the law enforcement agency who actually holds the record of this crime report. Can you please process this 605B deletion request manually and file an executive escalation complaint summarizing these issues against the previous supervisors and internal department who initially processed my block request? Can you please also provide me with an executive escalation complaint reference number that I can use in future calls to this department?"
And then if they want a good phone number or email address to contact you at about the executive escalation complaint, give that to them and make followup calls every 2-3 days or so until they provide you with a formal resolution in writing and via phone. It may be necessary to make followup calls and repeat this script a few times with different supervisors, but through persistence, you eventually will find "the good supervisor" who will perform on your behalf.