Zhran No Code Games
How To Build a Call of Duty Game Using Only AI

Tools I used:

Unity zhranbuilds.com/unity
Meshy AI zhranbuilds.com/meshyai
Elevenlabs zhranbuilds.com/elevenlabs

Without writing a single line of code and with the help of AI, I created a game just like Call of Duty Zombies. Not many people are talking about how to implement AI to create games, but in this video I will show 3 AI tools that will create games for you.

Before AI, it’s a must to have experience in coding, designing and sound design. This takes years of practice to actually be good at it and don’t forget how much it will cost you to buy all the softwares to do that.

But with the rise of AI tools it makes it possible to create games for complete beginners.

Within minutes you will receive 3d animated objects, the code will be fully written by AI without any coding experience, and the sound design can just be created with a simple prompt.

Just follow this video where I show you step by step how to create a zombie game just like call of duty and is the only video you need to see to create your first game!

#gamedevelopment #devlog #howtomakegame
