Practical Engineering
What Really Happened at the New Harbor Bridge Project?

-An overview of the drama unfolding over the ship channel in Corpus Christi, Texas.
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At 3:08, the old Harbor Bridge actually does have narrow pedestrian walkways, but they lack connectivity with pedestrian infrastructure on either side of the bridge.
At 3:21, a clarification: The ships can't enter the port empty (because they would have too much air draft). That means they can't be fully loaded in the inner harbor because they are already carrying some weight when they enter.
At 12:40, I meant to say "20% above their capacity"

In July of 2022, the Texas Department of Transportation issued an emergency suspension of work on the half-finished Harbor Bridge project in Corpus Christi, citing serious design flaws that could cause the main span to collapse if construction continues. Since then, they have continued a very public feud with the contractor that is far from resolved. This video explores some of the alleged design flaws and discusses potential next steps on the bridge project.

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Producer/Writer/Host: Grady Hillhouse
Editor/Production Assistant: Wesley Crump
Script Editor: Ralph Crewe
Aerial Photography: Bay Area Studios, Inc. and Ron Jorgensen
Background Painting: Josh Welker
