Hello, my lovely FC friends! Today, I will take you to eat a giant bowl of Yen Ta Fo Tom Yum Talay!!!!!! I can tell you in one word that it is super spicy!!! What I ate today was 20 servings, my friends. If it is the normal price, the starting price is only 50 baht. Let's see if I can finish it. If you are ready, let's watch it!
Shop location: Yen Ta Fo Hia Chai📍📍📍
Yen Ta Fo Hia Chai
095 409 1222
Contact for work: 094-3231917
Gmail: natstonie@gmail.com
Line ID: northjkr2
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Facebook: Personal: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553833591336&mib…
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TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@nutthanon_loetphatphicha?_t=8hB6Oj…
#NATVSFOOD #NatKinJoo #YenTaFoTomYum