Using Modern Controllers On The Dreamcast!

The Dreamcast is a fantastic system with a weird controller. Not a bad controller, but a weird one.

But what if there was a way to use a more modern controller with the Dreamcast? Something more ergonomic? Something without a wire?

-- Timestamps --
00:00 Intro
00:42 Unbox
02:04 Features and Firmware Updating
05:20 Controller Setup

-- Products Featured --
Mcbazel Brook Wingman SD Converter (Amazon): geni.us/49E6R
Mcbazel Brook Wingman SD Converter (Retail): geni.us/KkgGfyq

-- My Video Equipment --
Camera: geni.us/RkWPd
Lens: geni.us/XIh8WQ
Mic: geni.us/kSBICma

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Discord: discord.gg/gWzXyxS
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The product featured was given to me for review, but no review direction was given. All thoughts are my own.
For business inquiries, please email mason@laserfights.com.

Note: The links above may be affiliate links, meaning I will make a small commission if you purchase products using these links. This is at no additional cost to you.
