Capture Your Flag
Lessons Learned From the First Five Years Filming Capture Your Flag - Erik Michielsen

In Chapter 9 of 13 in his 2015 Capture Your Flag interview, Capture Your Flag founder Erik Michielsen is interviewed by author Danny Gutknecht and asked about lessons learned from the first five years of filming Capture Your Flag interviews and developing the learning model and platform.

Michielsen shares how the lasting impact comes from adding new layers of an individual interviewee's story through follow-up filming sessions. This, combined with the model to break down story segments by theme as well as to stitch together individual narratives, brings out the humanity in what is shared and allows for deeper connections with an audience seeking insight and inspiration.

Capture Your Flag is a career documentary interview series that interviews 60 up and coming leaders to gather knowledge and share a Near Peer Learning experience its audience may use to better plan, pursue and achieve life and career aspirations. Erik Michielsen is the founder of Capture Your Flag and author Danny Gutknecht is the author of "Meaning at Work."

Discover more at www.captureyourflag.com/

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