I picked up one of those fancy "highly limited" Analogue Pockets last week, so let's take a look at this new edition and assess what's changed with the handheld (and platform) over the past couple of years.
More info: store.analogue.co/
Previous Analog Pocket videos:
OpenFPGA update: • The Analogue Pocket is Just About Per...
Initial Review: • Is the Analogue Pocket Worth its Luxu...
Pocket Updater: github.com/RetroDriven/Pocket_Updater
PocketSync (GUI for Mac!): github.com/neil-morrison44/pocket-sync
Updater for Mac/Linux (and Windows): github.com/mattpannella/pupdate
Waterfield case: www.sfbags.com/products/analogue-pocket-pouch
Sakura Retro Modding: www.etsy.com/shop/SakuraRetroModding
Dust cover: blueshell3d.com/products/ap-dc
Anbernic RG40XXV: • Anbernic RG40XXV In-Depth Review
FPGBC review: • FPGBC Review: My Favorite Game Boy
00:00 introduction
01:02 what is the Analogue Pocket?
02:18 specs and pricing
04:04 unboxing and impressions
05:28 hardware testing
10:40 software experience
13:30 openFPGA cores
16:15 arcade games
18:20 computers and consoles
20:35 handheld systems
21:25 the dock is amazing
26:47 cases and other accessories
29:00 summary (likes and dislikes)
31:36 value vs competition
36:19 conclusion
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^^ use code "RGC10" for 10% off your order
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This video is for entertainment and educational purposes only.
#Analogue #FPGA #emulation #anbernic