Satya Speaks
A Self Love Affair - Inner Male & Female

Creativity & The Art Of Action Course - www.satyaspeaks.net/creativity
Human Studios (free to join) - www.satyaspeaks.net/human-studios

Human Studios is a live space where Satya Ji teaches sincere individuals how to connect deeply with Life and integrate their energies into conscious, creative action. In his words:
“To be where life is, to be as life is, to move as life moves.”
It is a space for sincere people to nourish their potential, and receive heartfelt support for their growth from Satya Ji and the community.

Connect with Satya Ji on Social Media:

www.instagram.com/satya.speaks_/ - Follow Us on Instagram

www.satyaspeaks.net/ - Free Resources, Including Powerful Practices, On Our Website

And of course, subscribe here on YouTube and click the notification bell to stay updated.

Thank you for reading 🙏
