ろこ Roco

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For Android users: link.utnq.in/ugz0B

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It's Rocoma!

This time, I'm interviewing Rocoma's mother! In a video I shot before when Producer didn't bring any plans, Rocoma and her mother had a lot of complaints about each other, so this video is a face-to-face meeting where they get it all out!

Recently, I haven't had many opportunities to talk to my mother because of filming and studying, so I hope you'll pay attention to what they talk about! lol

In the middle of the video, Ako is called for a certain reason and reveals what she's been thinking since she was a child! ? And at the end, the ghost with no money goes out of control lol I hope you enjoy watching until the end ☆

If you like this video or think it's interesting, please click the like button and subscribe to the channel ☆

▼Other recommended videos are here!

Crying, laughing, and all kinds of noisy videos... lol You can order all-you-can-eat Uber Eats by answering questions that you would normally find difficult to talk about in a video! [Uber All-You-Can-Eat]

   • 泣いたり爆笑したり色々騒がしい動画に…www普段だったら動画で話しにくい質...  

Make a winter outfit based on a theme using the clothes in each of the three's closets! Rokomako Ako's three sisters compete in winter outfits using their own clothes! [LOOKBOOK]

   • 3人それぞれのクローゼット内の私服からテーマに沿った冬コーデを作れ!ろこま...  

About 8,000 yen in cash was found in a certain bag, causing a big problem... I checked the contents of all my bags, including my cram school bag, school bag, and bag I use when I go out to play, and the results are... lol
   • とあるカバンの中から現金約8000円が出てきて大問題に…。塾のカバン・スク...  

I've been using more cosmetics than before, and I've been doing more makeup, so I've been changing my makeup every day for the first time in about a year!
   • 前よりコスメの数も増え、メイクの工程も増えたまこと約1年ぶりに毎日メイクを...  

[This is the first time I've ever seen this] When a producer who was thinking of a plan came to my house without bringing a plan, Roko and Mom started arguing...
   • 【こんなことは初めて】企画を考えてるないPが企画を持ってこずに家に来たら、...  

I'll also reveal some of the everyday incidents that viewers don't know about in the house I used to live in... lol. At the end, just before moving, I'll show you every corner of RokoMakoAko's current house! [Room Tour]
   • 住んでた家での視聴者さんが知らない日常での事件も暴露…www引越し直前の最...  

Is she spending money on things other than PayPay and her wallet, and is there a boy in her camera roll...? We did a surprise check of what's in Roko's phone...
   • PayPayや財布以外にお金を使ってたり、カメラロールに男の子が…?抜き打...  

It's almost time to move, but Roko keeps running away, so we're asking her to declutter the contents of her dresser... [Cosmetics decluttering]
   • そろそろ引越しなのに逃げ続けるろこにドレッサーの中身を断捨離してもらいます...  

[Episode 6] The three sisters Roko, Mako, and Ako try on clothes they bought but were too embarrassed to wear lol
   • 【第6回】ろこまこあこの3姉妹が買ったけど恥ずかしくて着てない服着てみた結...  

To check how much stuff they have before they move, we raided Mako and Ako's room and asked her to show us around... lol [Room tour]
   • 引越し前に物がどれだけあるか調査するために、まこあこの部屋に突撃して部屋紹...  

▼Click here for the three sisters' channels!
Roco Mako Ako Channel
   / @rocomacoaco  

▼ Roco's TikTok (managed by mother)

▼ Roco's TikTok subaccount (managed by mother)

▼ Roco's Instagram (managed by mother)

▼ Roco's Twitter (managed by mother)

▼ 3 sisters' Instagram

▼ Mako's Instagram (managed by mother)
www.instagram.c/ om/macomacomacorun/

▼Ako's Instagram (managed by my mother)

▼The three sisters' TikTok

▼Mako's TikTok (managed by my mother)

▼Mako's TikTok subaccount (managed by my mother)

▼Ako's TikTok (managed by my mother)

▼Ako's TikTok subaccount (managed by my mother)

▼For inquiries about videos (YouTube projects, advertisements, etc.), please contact here! info@rocomacoaco.biz

▼Music used, etc.
*Some videos may not use this.
Sound effects:
Sound Effect Lab – soundeffect-lab.info/
OtoLogic − otologic.jp/
Free BGM and music: DOVA-SYNDROME − dova-s.jp/

#Mom's interview
