Insider Food
How Chefs Make Massive Food Batches Under Pressure | Insider Food

Navy Culinary Specialist Wesleigh Whitson's daily mission is to feed 150 sailors on a submarine. And at Qatar Airways' kitchen in Doha, chefs prepare 200,000 meals that have to catch a flight each morning. We traveled the world to meet the chefs preparing dishes in the most high-pressure situations.

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00:00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:21:15 - Navy Submarine Cooks
00:15:18:21 - Qatar Airways Catering
00:33:25:06 - Navy Culinary Specialist A School
01:06:41:01 - Gazan Chef Feeding Children
01:24:28:10 - America's Largest Buffet
01:41:58:19 - US Military's Largest Dining Facility
01:55:07:09 - Naval Academy Dining Hall
02:16:38:03 - 25-Course Wazwan Wedding Dinner
02:25:13:10 - How Chefs Feed 100,000 Michigan Fans
02:37:49:12 - Japanese Megakitchen Prepares Thousands Of School Lunches
02:47:46:09 - West Point Mess Hall
03:01:02:05 - Army Culinary Specialist
03:17:14:13 - How French Chefs Cook 3.9 Million Hospital Meals Every Year
03:24:18:09 - Credits


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How Chefs Make Massive Food Batches Under Pressure | Insider Food
