Uncle Scott's Kitchen
PANCAST: Dad Joke Edition! Plus talking Staub, De Buyer, Smithey Ironware and more! Cookware Podcast

What are the latest De Buyer Carbon Steel prices? debuyer-usa.com/collections/carbon-steel?sca_ref=4… (affiliate link)
In this kitchen podcast and cooking show called a Pancast, our topics include:
DAD JOKES... this is the good stuff
Announcement of a NEW GUEST STAR for USK
Staub enameled cast iron frying pans
De Buyer Mineral B Pro update and Father's Day Sale
Smithey Ironware cast iron pan review feedback
Vegans, vegetarians, and veggies
Viewer feedback and mail and more!

USK's Smithey Review discussed in the video:    • 💰Is $210 CRAZY for cast iron?! Smithe...  

Uncle Scott's Amazon Store: www.amazon.com/shop/unclescottskitchen

Check Staub Prices: amzn.to/4c0bHQa (affiliate link)

Check Smithey Prices: smithey-ironware.pxf.io/PyqJ1R (affiliate link)

What is a PANCAST? It's a cookware and kitchen podcast cooking show where friends talk about food, drink, cooking, appliances, and anything related to the kitchen, as well as highlight and answer feedback from the USK community.

*Some of these links are affiliate links and some are just good deals I am passing along. If you click on our affiliate links, it allows us to earn a small referral commission if you purchase something, at no additional cost to you. It doesn't make us rich but it allows us to buy more kitchen products to review and make more videos, and is greatly appreciated!! We currently have affiliate and/or influencer links with Amazon, De Buyer, Thermoworks, Le Creuset, Smithey, Pleasant Hill Grain, and others.*

UNCLE SCOTT'S WEBSITE: www.unclescottskitchen.com/

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