We are the highlight
SVP - musicgalaxyprojectfiles.carrd.co/
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUMI!!! YOU ARE SUCH A BEAUTIFUL SYNTH, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE AND HELPED ME SO MUCH, YOU INSPIRED MY UTAU ALEX A LOT TOO. You are such a beautiful vocal synth, and Megumi Nakajima is such a lovely singer, we couldn't have had a better VP for such a beautiful synth
Hey! I made this SVP back when Crypton hosted that Highlight remix contest, I took the stems from that and used them to base the SVP off of, so the harms and everything is like, exact to Kiras. so the SVP is like 2 years old, but it is good methinks,,, I never knew who to cover this with honestly, but I went to Miku Expo 2024 and saw this song performed live at the end, and I knew it was time to put the SVP to use, I joined this tuning contest and saw the contest ends the day Gumis birthday was on, and I knew who to use then, so I spent so long on this
I want to thank @Wekulu for helping with the art, doing artwork with you is so fun and I deeply enjoy it so so so so much, your style is beautiful, and I love brainstorming designs, and helping with the art itself even though I only did the base sketch was super fun, thank you so much.
-- credits --
Song: @KIRA_prod
Svp, Tuning, Mixing, Art, Video: MusicGalaxy
Art: @Wekulu
Gumi SV
Eleanor Forte AI
Koharu Rikka AI
Frimomen SV
Vocals only: SOON
Happy birthday Gumi, Thank you.