If you're getting the shirt, make sure to use promo code LAUNCH at checkout for 15% off, through to the end of January :) - teespring.com/stores/making-t...
Microinteractions are small, normally subtle little things that help with the overall user experience on a site or in an app. They are used to give feedback to the user.
If you'd like to read more on them:
ToDo app:
html & css - • Creating a better todo app - the HTML...
JS by Web Dev Simplified - • How to Code A Better To-Do List - Tut...
Keep up to date with everything I'm up to
I have some courses!
My editor: VS Code - code.visualstudio.com/
How my browser refreshes when I save: • How to automatically refresh your bro...
Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/kevinpowell
I'm on some other places on the internet too!
If you'd like a behind the scenes and previews of what's coming up on my YouTube channel, make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/kevinpowell.co/
Twitter: twitter.com/KevinJPowell
Codepen: codepen.io/kevinpowell/
Github: github.com/kevin-powell