Ever want to quit your job and make money doing what you love? Wondering when is the right time to make that leap, and how to grow a successful business? Meet three woman who have turned their passions into businesses that have made them each over $100,000.
Wilglory Tanjong, 25, is a full-time MBA student at The University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. She is also the founder and CEO of Anima Iris, a luxury purse brand with pieces handcrafted by artisans in Dakar, Senegal. Her brand has brought in over $725,000 in sales the last two years.
Grace Torres is a 23-year-old Florida-based wedding photographer. Grace juggled college courses and an internship while building her photography business that has made over $175,000.
Helena Faustin is a 35-year-old who cares for babies born with congenital heart disease as a registered nurse in New York City. On the side, she cooks and shares traditional Jamaican recipes on social media. In 2021, she made over $117,000 from her side hustle and says she’s just getting started.
Check out Anima Iris purses: animairis.com/
Check out Grace here: www.gracetorresphoto.com/
See Helena’s food on Instagram: www.instagram.com/thatnursecancook/
00:00 — Intro
01:15 — How I Made Over $725,000 Designing Luxury Bags While Earning An MBA (Published January 2022)
11:59 — How I Turned My Love For Photography Into A $177K Business (Published June 2022)
20:09 — How I Made $117K A Year Cooking Jamaican Food (Published April 2022)
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Growing Our Side Hustles From $0 To Over $100,000