Hey there everyone! I'M BACK and I've got some company today, I teamed up with @Willjum to take on a 900 pop official server where we decided to claim a very contested spot in the deep snow, facing multiple clans and groups who will try to steal everything we had acomplished since WIPE DAY.
Really hoping you enjoy this one as much as me, thank you!
✨GET YOUR LIMITED EDITION GORLIAC'S MOUSEPAD: epicdesk.shop/collections/gorliac
Second Channel:
/ @gorliacii
If you want to support me, even more:
Patreon: www.patreon.com/Gorliac
Become a Member of the Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCW3TWRg3EIrtGWHF-Mg6bbw/join
Twitter: twitter.com/gorliac1
Discord: discord.gg/zFZuyanYzw
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@gorliac
Base design:
Lackii: • How I Made a BASE for RUST's CRAZIEST...
Portraits in our base:
Monstera: / @monsterarust