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Sculpt your core, fire up your quads, and chisel those calves with Day 16 of 6WS3! This dumbbell home workout is all about building definition and igniting your lower body.
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We'll start with a 10 minute ab session hitting every angle with 50 second bursts and quick 10 second breathers. Then, we'll turn our attention to your quads and calves, with 40 second bursts of targeted exercises designed to torch fat and build muscle. Get ready for squats that'll leave your legs screaming, lunges that'll define your calves, and calf raises that'll fire up your lower body. And to finish it all off, we'll throw in a 60 second squat finisher that'll leave your quads begging for mercy. Hit play, grab those dumbbells, and let's burn and build together! #6WS3 #AbsCalvesQuads
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Workout Programs:
💾 6 Week Shred I Playlist: https://bit.ly/6WeekShred1
💾 6 Week Shred II Playlist: https://bit.ly/6WeekShred2
💾 6 Week Shred III Playlist: https://bit.ly/6WeekShred3
Workout Details:
⏱️ Duration: 30 minute workout + 4 minute cool down
🏋️ Equipment: A set of dumbbells, yoga block or wedge, and a non-slip workout mat
💪🏽 Dumbbell: For reference only, I’m using 30 lb / 14 kg dumbbells
⏱️ Intervals: First 10 minutes (abs): 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest between exercises // Last 20 minutes (Quads and Calves): 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest between exercises // 60 second finisher
Exercises for this 30 minute abs, quads and calves dumbbell workout:
ABS // 50/10
0:28 Leg Switches
1:28 Reverse Crunch + Leg Opener
2:28 Leg Lowers
3:28 Scissor Crossovers
4:28 Cross Crunches
5:28 Butterfly Crunches
6:28 Single Leg Extensions
7:28 Oblique Heel Taps
8:28 Plank Knee Tucks
9:28 Spider Crunches
QUADS & CALVES // 40/20
11:19 Suitcase Squat
12:19 Suitcase Squat Partials
13:19 Heel Elevated Split Squat R
14:19 Heel Elevated Split Squat Partials R
15:19 Heel Elevated Split Squat L
16:19 Heel Elevated Split Squat Partials L
17:19 Wall Sit
18:19 Calf Raise (toes in)
19:19 Calf Raise Pulses (toes in)
20:19 Single Leg Calf Raise R
21:19 Single Leg Calf Raise L
22:19 Calf Raise (toes out)
23:19 Calf Raise Pulses (toes out)
24:19 Heel Elevated High Squat
25:19 Heel Elevated Goblet Squat
26:19 Staggered Squat R
27:19 Staggered Squat Partials R
28:19 Staggered Squat L
29:19 Staggered Squat Partials L
30:19 Wall Sit
31:19 Bodyweight Heel Elevated Squat
32:39 Cool Down + Stretch
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DISCLAIMER: Before starting any workout, consult your doctor to ensure it's safe for you. Understand that participation in any exercise carries inherent risks of injury. By engaging in this video's exercises, you acknowledge these risks and voluntarily assume full responsibility, releasing TIFF x DAN from any liability for potential harm. Some video links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases. Your decision to purchase is always your own, and your support is greatly appreciated!